Keywords = IoT
Secure Communication of the Integrated IoT and Cloud Computing

Volume 4, Special issue, November 2022, Pages 40-50


Aveen Othman Abdalrahman; Khalid Kadhim Jabbar; Araz B. Karim; Omar Younis Abdulhammed

Dynamic Routing Protocol in The Internet of Things (IoT)

Volume 4, Special issue, November 2022, Pages 80-91


Rzgar Sirwan Raza; Abdalbasit Mohammed Qadir

A Survey of Simulation Tools for Modelling Internet of Thing

Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2022, Pages 37-44


Bilal Najmaddin Rashid; Karzan Hussein Sharif; Twana Hussein Shreef

Adaptive Load Balanced Routing in IOT Networks: A Distributed Learning Approach

Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 102-106


Rzgar Sirwan; muzhir al-ani