New approach for Attendance System using Face Detection and Recognition

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Computer Science, College of Science and Technology, University of Human Development, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


One of the most beneficial uses of image processing is face recognition, which is essential in today's technology environment. Particularly when it comes to tracking student attendance, the identification of a human face is a popular issue in the authentication sector. A face recognition attendance system is a technique for identifying pupils based on high-definition surveillance and other computer technologies that employ face biostatistics. The purpose of creating this system is to electronically replace the conventional procedure of recording attendance by calling names and maintaining paper records. The existing procedures for taking attendance are cumbersome and time-consuming. Our goal and ambition for this article is to use the OpenCV library to develop an attendance management system that can identify faces and store them in a database so that colleges, businesses, and other institutions may use it to track attendance. This research will use a combination method of using Open CV and HOG library detecting the face in boundary box with accuracy %99.38. Adding more, it has been proposing new idea of using these techniques in all halls and labs in any educational institutes in recording the student's attendance precisely.

Main Subjects

Volume 4, Special issue
This special issue is related to the 9th Scientific Conference of University of Garmian: Pure Sciences and Technology Applications (SCUG-PSTA-2022) October 26–27, 2022. (All the manuscripts have been peer-reviewed.)
November 2022
Pages 124-141