Secure Communication of the Integrated IoT and Cloud Computing

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil engineering, University of Garmian, Kalar, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq

2 Collage of Education, University of Mustansiriyah, Baghdad, Iraq

3 Department of Computer Science, College of Science, University of Garmian, Kalar, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq

4 Department of Computer, College of Science, University of Garmian, Kalar, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


One advanced technology that is expanding quickly in the communications area is the integration of Cloud computing with the IoT. This is because it is quick, easy, and inexpensive to use. Since the information sent between the sender and recipient is vulnerable to threats and attacks through eavesdropping or unauthorized, in this paper, encryption technology is used to protect the information that is sent from the intelligent building to the smartphone-controlled, where the information sent between the two parties is encrypted by relying on the Henon map, new diffusion technique and the XoR function. Several measures were used to measure the quality of the proposed system as Histogram, NPCR, PSNR, SSIM, QIU, MAE, and Entropy, as the results proved the strength, high-security effectiveness, and robustness of the proposed system.


Main Subjects

Volume 4, Special issue
This special issue is related to the 9th Scientific Conference of University of Garmian: Pure Sciences and Technology Applications (SCUG-PSTA-2022) October 26–27, 2022. (All the manuscripts have been peer-reviewed.)
November 2022
Pages 40-50