Localizing the Urban Transect Theory as a Regulating Tool for the Urban Design of Duhok City to Enhance Sustainability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Spatial Planning, University of Duhok, Duhok, Iraq

2 Department of Architectural Engineering, Nawroz University, Duhok, Iraq



Recently, the urban districts of Duhok City have undergone a rapid expansion, extending into the suburbs and surrounding villages, resulting in significant transformations to their urban form. However, conventional land-use planning fails to address local contextual challenges, including low-quality built environments. Therefore, this study claims that the existing urban-related symptoms of unsustainability in Duhok City can be approached through the theory of Urban Transect. The Urban Transect approach is a novel land use classification structure that focuses on increasing urban-natural environment integrity and enhancing neighborhood characteristics. Derived from environmental studies, this theory has recently gained traction in urban planning and design as an alternative to conventional zoning for multiple purposes. It’s an analytical and regulatory tool that reduces uncontrolled sprawl, improves neighborhood performance, and balances natural and built environments for smart and sustainable development. This research explores how the Urban Transect theory can be adapted and applied to Duhok City's physical characteristics. In addition to proposing a localized Urban Transect Matrix, it demonstrates the potential advantages of incorporating the adapted Urban Transect theory into the planning and design process through an analysis of the city's current urban design practices. It intends to provide urban planners, policymakers, and designers involved in shaping the future of Duhok City with valuable understandings and recommendations that could foster sustainable development, improve the quality of life, and optimize the physical environment.


Volume 6, Special Issue
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering ICRIE 2023, University of Duhok, College of Engineering, 13th – 14th September 2023
January 2024
Pages 453-471