Representative and Map Analysis for Irrigation Water Quality Status and Heavy Metal Indices in Qurato River, by using GIS

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tikrit University, Collage of Agriculture, Soil and Water Science Department, Iraq

2 Collage of Education - University of Garmian

3 Department of Social Sciences, College of Basic Education, University of Garmian, Kurdistan, Iraq



The research paper aims to assess the quality of Qurato River water by using three indexes which are Irrigation Water Quality Guideline (IWQG), Heavy Metal Pollution Index (HIP) and Metal Index (MI). Ten (10) sampling stations were appointed along the river stream from Parwezkhan to Kalar, where the Qurato River flows into the Sirwan River. The samples were analyzed in terms of physicochemical parameters including concentrations of cations, anions, (EC) and six heavy metals including (Al), (Fe), (Cd), (Pb), (As) and (Cr). The results reveals that the (IWQG) were ranged from (44.66) to (69.27) with an average of (60.31) and the majority of the stations fall within moderate restriction class. Also, the average value of the HPI ranged between (17.1) and (30.7), which denotes that most of water samples in Qurato River falls under (Medium) class; while, only one station showed high value of HIP (>30). This station is located in Parwezkhan Border Crossing, where the qualities control laboratories effluents are discharged directly into the river without any treatment. Besides, the average of MI for irrigation uses was (0.46) which fall within the (pure) class. Therefore, the research revealed that water in Qurato River is safe for irrigation purpose.


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